<aside> 👋 Starting notes: This Notion dashboard/databases/whatever you call it was so helpful to me when planning my wedding (especially everything I hooked up with finding/choosing/paying vendors). After the work I put into it, I thought it would be a waste to just let it disappear once I was done with it so I’m sharing it with anyone who’s interested now 🙂

To use: I’ve included sample data in each database. Explore the page to understand how it all fits together before deleting it (or come back to the template to look again if you’ve already deleted it). But then do delete it and fill it in with what’s actually relevant to you! Replace anywhere that it says “Partner 1/2” in titles or labels with your names. Personalize it!

Help me help you: I’ve done my best to remove personal information from here. If you find any, please let me know so I can remove it! Also, if you find anything wrong with it let me know at [email protected] and I might be able to fix it! And if you find this useful, buy me a coffee at paypal.me/RachelHausmann



To get the above, make a widget on indify.co

In progress / TODO

Bridal party



Vendor search / things to buy

Budget / payments

To do list

Thank yous


Guest list


Hired vendors

Untitled Database